
obedtwL API

Discord Release Downloads

A API development by a 12 years old C# Developer

API Version Release/Prerelease Code
v0.0.0.1 ~ v0.0.0.1360 Console API Beta Release
v0.0.0.1361 ~ v0.0.0.9999 Beta Release
v0.0.1.0 ~ v0.0.9999.9999 PreRelease
v0.1.0.0 ~ v9997.9999.9999.9999 and v9999.0.0.0 ~ Release
v9998.0.0.0 ~ v9998.9999.9999.9999 Special Release/PreRelease


This is ONLY reqired if the class that you want to use is in below You can download all dll from dll-pack.zip in below Waring: dll-pack.zip will not update to newest dll and i dont own the dll in dll-pack.zip Download Dll-pack.zip

Addon Make What class work Link
obedtwLAPI.oPlugins.Video https://www.nuget.org/packages/YoutubeExplode
obedtwLAPI.oUI.oVideoView https://www.nuget.org/packages/Vlc.DotNet.Forms And some setup (this dll is not setup in dll-pack.zip
obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube https://www.nuget.org/packages/YoutubeExplode
obedtwLAPI.oWeb.YoutubeBrowser https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebView2 and https://www.nuget.org/packages/YoutubeExplode
Addon Make What class more better Link
obedtwLAPI.oUI.Video https://www.nuget.org/packages/YoutubeExplode

Beta Class

| Beta Class Name | Issue | |———|——————| | obedtwLAPI.Speech.SpeechAPI | Some thing may working weird |

API Usage:

This Only Show the most Useful Usage

obedtwLAPI.Info Class


   obedtwLAPI.Info.ShowInfo(); //Shows up API & System infomation 

### obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube Class Please Check https://github.com/bedtwL/obedtwL-API/#reqiredment , This class Have Reqiredment! #### obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube.DownloadVideoAsync(string YoutubeURL,string FileName) Download Youtube Video

   var Youtube = new obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube();
   Youtube.DownloadVideo(string YoutubeURL,string FileName)
   //Youtube Video URL is the url that you want to get download url
   //Video.mp4 is the filename that you want to save

obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube.DownloadVideoAsync(string YoutubeURL,string FileName)

Download Youtube Video Async

   var Youtube = new obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Youtube();
   Youtube.DownloadVideoAsync(string YoutubeURL,string FileName)
   //Youtube Video URL is the url that you want to get download url
   //Video.mp4 is the filename that you want to save

obedtwLAPI.oWeb.YoutubeBrowser Class

Please Check https://github.com/bedtwL/obedtwL-API/#reqiredment , This class Have Reqiredment!

   var YoutubeBrowser = new obedtwLAPI.oWeb.YoutubeBrowser();
   Youtube.GetVideoDownloadUrl(YoutubeBrowser.UserSelectVideoURL); //Youtube Video URL is the url that you want to get download url
   obedtwLAPI.oWeb.Download(URL,"Video.mp4"); //Video.mp4 is the filename that you want to save

obedtwLAPI.oConsole Class

obedtwLAPI.oConsole.WriteColorLine(string text,parms (string str,ConsoleColor color))

Write Colored Line

    obedtwLAPI.oConsole.WriteColorLine("This is Message have color",("{Message}",ConsoleColor.Red),("{color}",ConsoleColor.Blue));
    //Make "Message" text Color into Red and make "color" text into blue

obedtwLAPI.oConsole.WriteColor(string text,parms (string str,ConsoleColor color))

Write Colored Text

    obedtwLAPI.oConsole.WriteColor("This is Message have color",("{Message}",ConsoleColor.Red),("{color}",ConsoleColor.Blue));
    //Make "Message" text Color into Red and make "color" text into blue

obedtwLAPI.oBasic.bedh Class

obedtwL.oBasic.bedh.SendCommand(string terminal_command)

    //Old API 
    obedtwL.oBasic.bedh.SendCommand("echo hi");
    //Output: hi

obedtwL.oBasic.bedh.Bedh(string[] args)

    //Old API 
    //Setting Args for bedh Console
    string[] settings=new string[] {};
    //Bind Console into 

obedtwLAPI.Speech.SpeechAPI Class

obedtwLAPI.Speech.SpeechAPI.Said(string text)

    //Init API
    var SpeechAPI = new obedtwLAPI.Speech.SpeechAPI();
    //Say HI Sound

obedtwLAPI.oConverter Class

obedtwLAPI.oConverter.BoolToString(bool Bool)

    //Return "Yes"
    //Return "No"
    //Return "Unknow"

obedtwLAPI.oConverter.Blur(Bitmap image, Int32 blurSize)

   obedtwLAPI.oConverter.Blur(new Bitmap(@"C:\Image\Your-Image-Path.png"), 10); //Get Bitmap with Blur Size 10

obedtwLAPI.oConverter.ToFriendllyTime(long num)

   obedtwLAPI.oConverter.ToFriendllyTime(60000); //Return: "01:00"